Monday, August 24, 2009

Jackson Died from Lethal Levels of Propofol

Jackson Died from Lethal Levels of Propofol

It's finally been announced that Michael Jackson died from Propofol and his death will be considered a homicide. I hope his docs that did this to him get what they deserve - a miserable life behind bars.

Conrad Murray Lawyer -- It's Just Police Theory

Conrad Murray Lawyer -- It's Just Police Theory

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Saturday, July 18, 2009

What is your favorite Michael Jackson song?

He had so many awesome songs - it's hard to pick just one. But if you HAD to, what would be your favorite song?

Vote to the right --->

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Actual footage of Michael Jackson's Pepsi Shoot Accident from 1984

US Magazine has finally released the video of what happened when Michael Jackson's Pepsi shoot went wrong 25 years ago.

MJ's Explosive Pepsi Shoot Video -- 25 Years Later

This is what led to his addiction to painkillers. :(

Friday, July 10, 2009

Drugs found in Michael Jackson's home

I read the "breaking news" on TMZ today that DRUGS were found in Michael Jackson's home. Check out the pics. The drug pill bottles were dated 2002 & 2003!!! First off, that is not "breaking news" when it happened 6 years ago. Secondly, if they were confiscated by police back in 2003, then WHY was this not investigated back then?? Michael could have been ALIVE right now if it was!! This just makes me so angry! They were so busy trying to pin other charges on him, they completely bypassed the fact that there were illegally obtained narcotics - and an abundance of them - in his home! Can you imagine how differently this all would have turned out if someone had investigated this 6 years ago? Maybe he would have been arrested & court ordered to go to rehab. Not that I wanted to see him in jail or rehab - but I would have rathered seen him in jail or rehab than in the golden coffin I saw him in the other day. ~cry~

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Big Brother 11

Ok my favorite summer show has finally started! The theme this season is high school cliques. There are the Athletes, Brains, Popular and the Off-Beat. (I would have been an off-beat). If I was on this show and they told me I was going back to high school I would have walked off the show, LOL. It would not be worth the $500,000 to endure that again!
Anyways... their challenge today was to go to the back yard where it was transformed into a locker room. They had to wear these giant underwear over their clothes and hold onto a toilet seat while suspended in mid-air for a "wedgie" effect. The clique that had the last person hanging would win - and their entire clique would be safe from the chopping block. The kicker? There was 1 more person who was going to join the BB house. Someone from the past!
They were: Cowboy, Brian who was voted off 1st last season, Jessica from season 11?, and muscle bound Jessie. I was rooting for Brian. Cowboy was representing off-beat, Brian was Brains, Jessica was Popular, and Jessie was athlete. The team who won would get the corresponding extra person to be on their team for the 13th houseguest. The person coming back into the house would also be HOH.
Again - I was voting for BRAINS to win because I wanted Brian to come back into the house. But alas, Athletes won, so muscle headed Jessie was brought back into the house. Great. He is SO full of himself and so annoying. Why why why???
The show ended with Jessie walking into the house. Can't wait for Sunday!