Friday, July 10, 2009

Drugs found in Michael Jackson's home

I read the "breaking news" on TMZ today that DRUGS were found in Michael Jackson's home. Check out the pics. The drug pill bottles were dated 2002 & 2003!!! First off, that is not "breaking news" when it happened 6 years ago. Secondly, if they were confiscated by police back in 2003, then WHY was this not investigated back then?? Michael could have been ALIVE right now if it was!! This just makes me so angry! They were so busy trying to pin other charges on him, they completely bypassed the fact that there were illegally obtained narcotics - and an abundance of them - in his home! Can you imagine how differently this all would have turned out if someone had investigated this 6 years ago? Maybe he would have been arrested & court ordered to go to rehab. Not that I wanted to see him in jail or rehab - but I would have rathered seen him in jail or rehab than in the golden coffin I saw him in the other day. ~cry~

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