Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Jackson Died from Lethal Levels of Propofol
It's finally been announced that Michael Jackson died from Propofol and his death will be considered a homicide. I hope his docs that did this to him get what they deserve - a miserable life behind bars.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
What is your favorite Michael Jackson song?
Vote to the right --->
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Actual footage of Michael Jackson's Pepsi Shoot Accident from 1984
MJ's Explosive Pepsi Shoot Video -- 25 Years Later
This is what led to his addiction to painkillers. :(
Friday, July 10, 2009
Drugs found in Michael Jackson's home
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Big Brother 11
R.I.P. Michael Jackson
Needless to say, I've been a huge fan almost my entire life. I believed he was innocent in 1994 and in 2003. I still believe he was innocent. While watching the memorial I kept expecting his coffin to open and for him to come out as this was just a big publicity event. So I hoped. But when the memorial was over and they started carrying his coffin away as "Man in the Mirror" played in the background, I finally realized for the first time that he was really gone.
Michael Jackson's life story is one of the saddest I've ever read about. His father terrorized him. His father, in my opinion, is a main reason I believe MJ ended up the way he did. I'm not even going to get into that again. I'm drained.
His memorial was beautiful and sad at the same time. I can't remember the last time I cried so much. Brooke Shields gave a beautiful speech - but then I read that she hadn't spoken to him since 1991. :( I wish the people that really knew him and cared about him were more persistent in helping him.
His kids really surprised me. I had never even seen them before. Very cute kids. Paris speaking out at the end was heartbreaking. Calling this man we just think of as an entertainer, "daddy" - wow. Yep, he was a father, not just a phenomonal singer, dancer and entertainer, but a "daddy". Kind of brought everything into perspective.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
How to make CHINESE DONUTS with 2 ingredients!
You'll need:
Deep Fryer
1 Tube of Pillsbury buttermilk biscuits
I made these and they taste EXACTLY like the ones you get in the restaurants. One tube can yield 40 of these chinese donuts! Try them!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Time Warner - to start charging by bandwidth
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Auctiva users - no longer free as of July 1st!
- The Professional Seller plan will cost $34.95/month plus 12 cents/listing, with zero transaction fees. It includes a free Auctiva Commerce store, and fees are capped at $250/month.
- A High Volume Seller plan costs $24.95/month with zero listing fees and a 1.75% transaction fee - Auctiva said this is good for sellers with high listing volume and low average sales price.
- The Part Time Seller plan costs $9.95/month plus 6 cents/listing and a 1 percent transaction fee. It includes an Auctiva Commerce store for $4.98/month.
- The "No Monthly Fee" plan for casual eBay sellers costs 12 cents/listing and a 1.25 percent transaction fee.
- Auctiva's Image Hosting plan will be free for the first 1 megabyte of storage, and $1.95/month for between 1 - 5 megabytes of storage up to $34.95/month for over 250 megabytes of storage.
- There's also a Big Ticket Seller plan. Auctiva said templates come free with all plans, but cost $4.95 for people who do not list with Auctiva and do not want to select any of its pricing plans.
Looking for Dental Insurance!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Warning about dialing 90# scam from your phone!
Just received this in a bulletin, this is good to know!
I dialed '0', to check this out, asked the operator, who confirmed that this was correct so please pass it on . . . (l also checked out Snopes.com . This is true, and also applies to cell phones!)
I received a telephone call last evening from an individual identifying himself as an AT&T Service Technician (could also be Telus) who was conducting a test on the telephone lines. He stated that to complete the test I should touch nine(9), zero(0), the pound sign (#), and then hang up. Luckily, I was suspicious and refused. Upon contacting the telephone company, I was informed that by pushing 90#, you give the requesting individual full access to your telephone line, which enables them to place long distance calls billed to your home phone number.
I was further informed that this scam has been originating from many local jails/prisons; DO NOT press 90# for ANYONE. The GTE Security Department requested that I share this information with EVERYONE I KNOW. After checking with Verizon they also said it was true, so do not dial 90# for anyone !!!!!